A “Better Late Than Never” Update
Never write a book.
I know I’ve not posted to this blog in what seems like an age. My explanation is two-fold. First, I’m working on a book on privacy law in Canada for Lexis Nexis. Between a very busy practice and that book, the blog…well, let’s just say it moved down in priority this year. Second, there didn’t seem to be much interesting (at least to me) to write about in the spring. That’s changed a bit this fall (think R. v. Cole for example) so I’m casting about for suitable topics and eventually plan to return to this blog.
The stats show a continued interest by those looking for privacy-related topics and I finally decided to get around to letting people know it hasn’t been abandoned. Hopefully, this is an efficient mea culpa, apology and explanation all rolled into one. Thank you for visiting.