10 Things to Know About Privacy Metrics

Surprisingly, ask people what “privacy metrics” mean to them and you’ll often get very different answers.

Dear McGill University Health Center…About Your PHR.

This post, written by myself and Michael Martineau, is also posted on eHealth Musings and ITWorld Canada. North Americans appear ready to interact electronically with their healthcare providers and take a more active role in managing their own health care.   A much-talked about tool in this regard is the Personal Health Record (“PHR”).  While there […]

Can Governments Force Patient Data into EHRs?

If a government builds an EHR, can it require your data be put into it? Governments in many jurisdictions have embarked on a concerted effort to build and use electronic health records (EHRs) and to encourage health professionals to use electronic medical records (EMRs). Everyone seems to have assumed that creating an EHR would be […]

The Dirty Little Secret of Euro-Canadian Data Flows

Well, it’s not actually a secret but it is something that not too many people have focused on. It’s the fact that the withdrawal of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) from provincial jurisdictions with substantially similar legislation may legally complicate the ability of Canadian organizations in those jurisdictions to receive data […]

Electric Privacy

While the concept of territorial privacy (“the house of everyone is to him as his castle and fortress”) can be traced to back to Semayne’s Case in 1604, it has evolved and become more nuanced over time. Information emanating from the home has received less generous privacy treatment and that subject is to receive further […]

Research, Networks & Privacy

Research, in whatever field of endeavour, is considered to have a useful societal purpose. But, in the case of people using networks, at what point does it cross the line into violations of personal privacy? According to this press report last week, Pete Warden has amassed details on 215 million profiles on Facebook and plans […]

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